Sunny Side Up

Dude, seriously, geek.


Just did a checking and turns out I bought Digital Fortress back in September! Man, that's a long time to finish one book but I actually didn't really start reading it until after I posted that entry, which makes it sometime in mid October. This reminds me of high school when I finished all three of the Star Wars Thrawn trilogy books in one Saturday. Quite a contrast from recent times. Those of you who've heard or read those books would know they're pretty thick books and three of the best Star Wars boooks ever released. Many consider them as episodes 7-9 and the info within just as canon as the movies but the sheer magnitude of the books would exceed anything the big screen can ever offer.

I got through the first book before lunch, finished the second by tea time and was done with the trilogy by dinner time. Just about everyone in the dorms were into Star Wars in one way or another so it was a pretty tightly knit fandom we had back then. Contrary to what you may think, I was nowhere near the ultimate Star Wars fan. There's a whole group of them who knew more about it and was so much more into it than I was.

The Thrawn trilogy kick started the whole Star Wars revival after about 10 years of hiatus since there was very little public hype after Return of the Jedi came off the big screen though Star Wars video games kept the interest alive. There were a few novels but nothing in the scale of the Grand Admiral Thrawn, the little known one and only non-human Grand Admiral in the Empire's ranks whose ambition is to return the Empire to its former glory and crush the Rebellion once and for all. That was also the time when the buzz about the restoration of the Star Wars movies began. It seemed like forever waiting for those movies to come out on the big screen, after all, anything post high school is unthinkable! Now those movies have come and gone to mixed reviews and we're five months away from the final episode to hit the big screen with nowhere near the hype and buzz surrounding the release of Episode One back in May 1999.

While I love sci-fi and gets excited on every new Star Wars movie, I've never been able to watch a single episode completely in one sitting apart from in the cinema. Whenever I put the Laser Disc, VHS tape, or DVD on, it's been the best cure for insomnia. All of them. None of the movies are exciting until well past the halfway mark and that's usually when I dozed off thanks to boredom. It's been a long while since I've seen them, having bought the DVD of the Special Edition back in September. I hope this final one doesn't bore me to sleep again.

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