Sunny Side Up

Dude, seriously, geek.

Year's End

It's the dawn of new year's eve 2004 and it might turn out like last year although there's a better chance for me to go out. Last year it just wasn't practical with the traffic jammed up since around 7 pm and the rain pretty much ruined everything for those on the streets. That's Jakarta for ya. This time, I'm in Melbourne and apart from one time, I've always spent it outside. Today will be pretty hot, mercury rising to a sunny 32ºC, i'm expecting an equally sweat-inducing evening though I hope it'll drop closer to 20º, pleeeeeeeze pretty pleeeeeezeee!!!

With most of my friends working or gone overseas, I running pretty thin on backup plans here. An ABBA cover band will be playing near my place at Docklands, so I definitely need to get away from home, find a safe place til dawn breaks. I'm not spending another NYE at home, maybe I'll join the revellers at Southbank. Something'll turn up.

Some have called for a muted NYE celebrstion or even calling it off completely in respect for the tsunami victims in South Asia. I don't share the same view entirely. Those in the coutries that were hit, it would be pretty tactless to have massive parties and outside, an all out party anywhere would be pretty tasteless too if they're all aware of the difficulties faced by those victims but it's no reason to stop having a good time. You can have a good time without disrespecting the people in affected areas.

So have a happy new year 2005 and here's to having a better year than this one
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On Sunday, January 02, 2005 12:49:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oooooooooh my parents went to watch the ABBA thingy..they enjoyed it!! it was free..hehe..i was invited too, but i didnt wanna go..


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