Sunny Side Up

Dude, seriously, geek.


I just dug up my nearly 6 years old 266MHz iMac G3 from the storage, cleaned it up, and installed Panther on it. First try, I had to uncheck several items like IE, Additional Language Tools, unnecessary printer drivers, iSync, Asian fonts, and translation tools before installing because there was only 1.6 GB left in the drive and the installation wanted 2.3 GB. So I proceeded with the installation and everything went fine. After rebooting though, Finder kept crashing every two seconds but I could run apps from the Dock. Nice and rather encouraging.

With everything already backed up from the last time it was used (circa 2002 running OS X 10.2 and 9.2), I went and decided to hose the whole thing and install Panther fresh. Guess what, with only 160MB of RAM, it's running faster than my loaded-with-mini-apps iBook 500 with 256 MB RAM. Most likely cuz the system is clean and minty fresh.

I'm installing OS X 10.3.6 and all the latest updates right now and I'm expecting 3.5 - 3 GB left out of 4.0 GB post initial installation, after everything's done.

Thanks Apple for making such a robust machine! :D

Now I just have to figure out what to do with this newly resurrected iMac. I've already got a G3 iBook, and my brothers have their own Macs. We don't play LAN games so apart from filling it up with music and make it a jukebox, I'm not sure how to repurpose this old-ish Mac.

Btw, I'm testing an app I just found, called MacJournal. I can publish to blogs powered by Blogger and LJ without opening the sites using that app. It also keeps my entries on my HD.
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