Sunny Side Up

Dude, seriously, geek.

Bit of Photo Blogging

OK, so today I was walking by Flagstaff Garden, which is a park near my place, to Melbourne Central for lunch and it was quite a spring day, being sunny, very warm and breezy. People were wearing shorts and all sorts of summer clothes, though a few were in business clothes, even so, they had their sleeves rolled up, no ties, many of them were having lunch at the park, all seemingly like the idyllic spring day. Since it was quite warm, appparently park management thought lunch time was the perfect time to water the garden, so they put the sprinklers on. With all the people sitting in and around the park. Genius, what a great idea. So off they all went scrambling looking for a spot with no sprinklers. How fun it was for them.

sprinklersThere were sprinklers by the edge of the garden too and they all were aimed inwards towards the garden so as not to spray the cars parked over the other side of the pavement. The idea was right, except management never counted for the wind factor. Guess what happened next? The parked cars mostly had one side wet, and so were the people who were walking by the park, including yours truly. Just what I needed, a dose of cold water sprayed from tiny high speed cannons planted on the ground. While I wasn't completely drenched, it was actually not bad, like having a personal climate control so I didn't really feel the heat with all the water on me.

Christmas TramSince the rest of the street wasn't packed with water cannons, I figured I should just wait for a tram rather than walk in the heat. In comes the Christmas tram. Haven't seen it in a while and it had a bit of a makeover since the last time I saw one. The pic on the left is actually from a few years ago and this year's X-Mas trams are a bit less ornamentalled, though just as red. The building behind that tram is now gone, being replaced by something quite undescribable, beyond the available adjectives.

SantaThey had something else inside that I never noticed before. Or rather someone else. Or two. It was Santa. And his helper. Didn't get a chance to take a pic of the helper cuz I didn't notice her until I was about to step off. Maybe next time. Speaking of Santa, what is stopping him from wearing a summer suit? It's practically summer here in Australia and Christmas is always in summer. So people say Santa's from North Pole but he's gotta be a rich guy to be able to afford all those toys he gives away to other people's kids, surely he can afford something much more comfortable for the summer season? He'd only need a pair of red shorts, sandals, sunglasses and a red shirt!

clintonSo anyway, at Borders I saw this arrangement of books. Wickedly funny in so many ways. Of course, you gotta be familiar with what the whole thing was about but if you were politically aware in 1995, there was no way you'd miss it. But it's not really about that issue here, it's simply the positioning of the books and the cover images each publisher decided to put on their books.

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