Sunny Side Up

Dude, seriously, geek.

Sporadic Entries

Sorry for the lack of updates. not due to lack of material or time, i had a few things to write and enough time to write them but things just got neglected. as i said before, i'm in the middle of finishing Midnight Club II, about 30% done now. Completed the Los Angeles circuit, just starting the Paris circuit and the last one is Tokyo, which I heard will be damn difficult.

Eid ul Fitr went by like any regular day, didn't have anything special apart from the morning prayer. Had the family all here, immediate only, no extended since they're mostly in Indonesia. Dad made ketupat (rice cakes) and a whole bunch of food, which were pretty good but kinda dry IMO. Couple of friends came by, which was nice. Was expecting a bit more but turned out they went around other people's places first and were wasted by the end of it, so now we still got some leftovers from Sunday.

Oh yeah, I got up at 6 am on Sunday and the prayer at Melbourne Uni was at 7. The mosque across the road has it at 8:30 but I've always went to Mel-U so mom pretty much kicked my ass for sleeping in til 6. Off I went (brushed teeth, washed face), hauled my ass out around quarter past and got there just about ten to seven after walking all the way because there was no tram that early in the morning. Weekend. Figures.

So anyway, thanks to the Indonesian efficiency, despite leaving the house rather late as they had a 7 o'clock advertised starting time, I found myself among the entire congregation of FOUR people. Me, my two brothers who left earlier, and one of the guys in charge of the thing. Turns out everyone else was late. Naturally, they blamed the trains & trams for being late, despite not being scheduled to run that early in the first place, and we eventually started precisely one hour later. See? Already off to a good start. Mismanagement by the organizers compounded by ignorance of the people, whoohoo!

Long story short, it was all in all an average day, nothing exciting, nothing inspiring. The next day, I was meant to go to Ikea but let's just say I got a little "sidetracked" so it's been rescheduled to Wednesday afternoon.

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