Sunny Side Up

Dude, seriously, geek.


Why do people go to the gym regularly? They wanna get fit, they wanna have a good looking body, they dont want people calling them flabio, guys wanna pick up girls, vice versa, unless they're gay, not that there's anything wrong with that, and so on and so forth. To do it properly you gotta have a good balance of meal and gym types also tend to avoid fast food joints. I mean everyone knows eating food from McD's and Pizza Hut will ruin your body eventually, especially those excess calories from fries and burgers and it doesn't help if you wanna shape your body like those Greek Gods statues.

McD FitnessSo whose idea of a sick joke is it to put a public gym right on top of McDonalds and Pizza Hut joints??? You can't see it from the pic but downstairs to the right in the lower ground is McDonalds, upstairs on second floor is Pizza Hut and Fitness First is on the third floor!! How convenient! Say you spent a couple of hours in the gym working out and you're kinda hungry and a bit spent so you wanna grab a quick bite before catching that tram home. What do you do? There's always good old Pizza Hut one floor down, or better yet, a Big Macâ„¢ Happy Meal is waiting for you downstairs!

No, you don't go to McD's or PH first because it says right there, Fitness First!!! and then you can have your Quarter Pounderâ„¢. Perfect!

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On Sunday, December 05, 2004 4:13:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

As far as I can remember those junk food chains been there in that spot for ages and Fitness First came within less than a year.

It's scary to think the rapid increase of the health freaks (not health conscious but freak, total freak) population in the area within a short time.


On Monday, December 06, 2004 1:32:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahhaha, everyone has been complaining about the increase amount of fitness freaks. ive been to lotsa blogs, and almost all of them are talking about the same thing - fitness freaks.

i go to a gym, but hell, im no freak. i go there like what, 3 times a week? i needed lotsa motivation for that 3 times =p


On Monday, December 06, 2004 4:13:00 PM, Blogger Suds said...

C'mon fitness is no joke! People SHOULD be getting fit; I don't think you can be too much of a fitness freak...    

On Monday, December 06, 2004 9:06:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with you on the importance of fitness or a balance lifestyle and I don't mind health conscious people.

I think like everyone, I excercise regularly from walking, running to weight lifting, watch what I eat and drink, meditate and go on medical check up on regular basis. Unlike most of the people I know I don't smoke, I don't do drugs unless I'm really ill, I don't do coffee and alcoholic drinks. I eat veggies like mad, love my multivitamins, 2 liters of water everyday, teas, milk, fruit juices, veggie juices and avoid those fatty meat and deep fried. I am not a big fans of junk foods but I still love KFC as long as they drained the oil off their chicken well and often trade the skin with veggies from my friend's meal, the McD's soft serve or Pizza Hut's chicken pizza and as for soft drinks, I only drink it once or twice per month and only from the 390ml bottle.

However, there are others who cross the line from being healthy to joining some 'health cult'. Those people who're drinking some weird and not exactly liquid drinks and have a low protein, low carb, high vibre diet or just completely into a vegan diet and all with a no oil, salt and sugar intake policy.


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