Sunny Side Up

Dude, seriously, geek.

Holy Cow!

No, not the sacred cow of the Indians... I just realized I haven't updated this blog in over a week!! I don't remember when the last time it happened - go check the archives if you feel like it, i don't - but um... I don't remember much of the past week in chronological order and not exactly in the mind frame to actually do that so I guess I'll just leave it at that. I'm glad I'm not a web comic artist, or even have a demanding traffic flow to contend with, or else I might've incurred the wrath of readers calling for my execution for not feeding their daily comic strip addiction.

Speaking of missing entries, Hawk, one of my favorite comic strip artists blew up on his blog last week after getting a slew of irate reader emails for missing his deadline by mere hours on one day and putting up a filler on another. The guy was on his finals week and these vultures couldn't give a rats ass! Give the guy a break, it's not like he's paid to draw, it's something he does for fun and just so happens he has a lot of readers. Instead of paying him, the traffic load is actually costing him so if they want a comic on time, which he's never obligated to provide in the first place, maybe they should start paypalling him some cash to help with the hosting costs. The worst thing he could do is drop the whole thing and enrages his entire readership, which wouldn't be directed at him of course, rather at the few who ruined the fun for everyone.

Taking this entry to a tangent, I went to see an old friend's pad the other day, he's younger than me but more mature than a lot of other people I know. While I enjoy hanging around with him, I don't think I could stand living in a place like his. It's a cozy old place with plenty of space but it's messy as hell and I was itching to clean up his apartment the entire time I was there!!! To be fair, he's an arts student and I've only met very few of them whose place wouldn't look odd in a city dump. For any of you arts students or former arts students reading this, prove me wrong! :D I've got two arts students (who happen to be my brothers) living with me and the only reason this place is not a complete mess is because I'm in it and that's a fact. It's a lot cleaner when our parents are around too.

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On Monday, December 20, 2004 8:34:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about me or Doraemon? We were arts students, too!

Like I said before you have an OCD. You have to have everything clean, neat and in order or else you go *KABOOM*. =P    

On Monday, December 20, 2004 10:36:00 AM, Blogger Aulia said...

That's four. Still very few. OCD?? OCD?? I'd call it desire to live in a clean and organized environment and don't bring up that "organized mess" theory of yours :P    

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