Sunny Side Up

Dude, seriously, geek.

Feeling Creative

In between reading The Da Vinci Code -yeah yeah, it's 2 years old I just bought it yesterday, up to chapter 20 right now, been reading Digital Fortress for the last couple of months (finished the last 100 chapters in four days last week), good book by the way- I thought I'd try my hand at Photoshop again, haven't been using it much for a long while now, can't remember the last time I did a Photoshop project. Anyway, it's a bit rough so shut up.
Image Hosted by Those iPod ads are usually action photos but I don't have very many full body shots of myself so that'll just have to do. Some of the shadings don't look right to me. Oh yeah, it's on .png format, something new for me, usually I post jpg's or gifs. If you can't see the pic, it's most likely you're using IE cuz people say IE can't handle .png format so if it's true tough luck, I've stopped using IE years ago and I don't care one bit about it so if you can't see it and want to see it, go download Firefox. Your computer will thank you for that.

Back to books, Digital Fortress was one of the few books that I ended up really enjoying reading it. Writer Dan Brown seems to be into cryptography, code breaking, and conspiracies as much as Tom Clancy is into US government agencies,and the military. He's only written four book so far (CMIIW) and I got three of them. The other one I bought was Deception Point cuz it has a science fiction aura to it. The main reason I liked DF is that while it's about a supposedly secret government agency, conspiracy and cryptography, what caught me in was that it's a techno-thriller. Thriller not in the Michael Jackson's Thriller sense but in the Tom Clancy's Net Force kind.

Almost on impulse after finishing that book, I head to the bookstore to find his other books. I never cared about The DVC much apart from when my cousin kept telling me I had to read it earlier this year but he wanted to finish it first before lending it to me. He ran out of time cuz I had to leave the country before he was through with it. Anyway, I never planned on getting other than DVC but I just had to get DP as well. When I bought DF I knew I shoulda bought the others as well cuz they jacked the price up by $2.00 each since then. I coulda used that $4.00 for lunch or something. Anyway, I got another 80 chapters to go so here's a basic cryptography for you to figure out. Have fun!

lbh'yy oernx guvf pbqr hfvat ebgngvba guvegrra

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On Tuesday, January 04, 2005 10:00:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

nice poser pic! =p


On Thursday, January 06, 2005 7:15:00 PM, Blogger yours trully said...

gue bisa liat picnya dan gue pake IE.

gue punya semua buku dan brown kalo lo mo minjem..    

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