Sunny Side Up

Dude, seriously, geek.

More on books

I finished Da Vinci Code about three days ago and now I'm halfway through Angels & Demons. Got the book from her the day I picked up my shoes and the plan was to finish it yesterday but looks like I'm going to be 2 days behind unless I can finish it today. Fell asleep reading it last night so I gotta find the page again, gah! It's not as good as the others, a little slow on parts, but his trademark is all there. A murder, cryptic clues, a conspiracy, a deadline and startling revelations.

The funny thing about those revelations is how I've always thought most of them were common knowledge. I'm not a history buff nor much of a conspiracy theorist but many of the ideas put forward by Dan Brown across his books are either not alien to me or it's something that makes sense, so I wasn't entirely sure what the hype surrounding The DVC was for. Still, I don't deny that it's a captivating book and puts together a whole collection of scattered facts, which goes the same for his other books. The time I spent reading them was well spent, but that means I'm very much behind on watching Prince of Tennis and Futurama.

Better catch up soon, I got plenty of episodes to watch.

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