Sunny Side Up

Dude, seriously, geek.


I have a few things I wanna post since I haven't posted any sine Monday but this has priority.

Supposedly, we've made legitimate contact with extra terrestials through the wildly popular SETI@home project according to a report by CNN but the BBC reports that it's all just a bunch of hogwash and nothing's being done about it. Funny how the scientists put out a release so swiftly. Makes you wonder even more about cover ups ^^;.
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On Friday, September 03, 2004 2:36:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Reminds me of that photocopy machine ad. XD;;

On Friday, September 03, 2004 3:48:00 PM, Blogger Aulia said...

You mean the HP printer ad with the Martians? ^^;    

On Saturday, September 04, 2004 5:54:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


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