Sunny Side Up

Dude, seriously, geek.


Upon typing the previous entry, a thought crossed my mind. What is it with people today that they give money to other people to let you do things yourself? I'll give you the most obvious example, IKEA. Those Swedish smartasses came up with the idea to sell furnitures in parts and have you, the buyer, or should I say happily-obliging-sucker, build the damn thing yourself. What the hell is going on??? You don't buy electronic parts to build your own TV do you? Or how about everybody buying car parts to make their own car? Or a printer? Well, a lot of PC users build their own computers, and mostly they look like crap. I have to admit though, I love IKEA's products and most of the furnitures in my apartment is from IKEA so call me one of the happily-obliging-suckers ^^;;

This cancerous idea is definitely spreading.

Its oldest application is probably the Yakiniku whereby you walk into a restaurant for a hearty meal, order your meat and veggies as usual, except this time, they bring it to you raw. What do you do with it? Naturally you cook it on the stove that they have built-in to the table right in front of you, or boil it. It takes them a while to bring you the raw ingredients and in the mean time, your stomach is growling and complaining of starvation. Once they bring them to you, of course you can't eat them, you gotta cook'em first unless you're an animal and eat stuff raw. Yeeechhh! That's more time for your stomach to suffer and once you actually finish cooking, you'll likely to have pieces of burnt meat ready for your stomach to churn and you'll earn its ire for being such a lousy cook ^^;

Isn't it just easier and cheaper to go to the market and buy food yourself and cook it at home? I don't go to restaurants to make my own food, I go there to eat.

The latest one is well.. that damn suckao. Mix your chocolate chips and milk and boil it to your own preference.
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On Wednesday, August 25, 2004 3:39:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmm... I think to reply this I need to quote the MB staff's question to your otouto, "Are you an adventurous person or ... (insert any polite word that equals to coward XD )."

On Wednesday, August 25, 2004 11:10:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oi i am wanting to try suckao! so dont u talk bad about it! =p


On Wednesday, August 25, 2004 11:26:00 PM, Blogger Aulia said...

go get a bong, LOL ^_^    

On Thursday, August 26, 2004 2:24:00 PM, Blogger Aulia said...

spell what? the chocolate drink is suckao, the withdrawal symptoms is sakaw.    

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