Sunny Side Up

Dude, seriously, geek.


Got up this morning for my usual dose of news and comics and found out that I couldn't get online. So I went over to my bro's computer to make sure the connection was ok. Turns out there was no connection at all. Checked the phone line to see if it was dead. Nope, it's all fine. The modem was fine too, except the network cable light was off, which means network was down. Tried connecting several times until I got fed up. Waited til around 8 am and called Telstra (My ISP and phone company) to check what happened.

Turns out... they somehow managed to lose the entire country's ADSL connection!! No kidding!!

Later in the day, after classes, I checked again and still no luck. My bro's campus even lost half of its internet connection, UNBELIEVABLE!!! The article says the network was down from around midnight (my bro was online til 1 am) and was gonna be out for at least 12 hours. TWELVE FREAKIN' HOURS!!. It was still not fixed when I left the apartment a few hours ago. I don't think it's up even now. Since it's past 10 pm now, it's goddamn close to 24 hours!!

They better not charge the full monthly cost for this month those greedy bastards. Their profit has always been on the up yet they always somehow managed to get away with price rises for every service they provide. I'm being held hostage cuz I can't transfer to another carrier since all the other ones want plastic and being an international student, I can't get one. Stupid freakin' Hellstra and their pocket-burning charges. I wish I could curse like Shakespeare. Hmm... *light bulb flashes above head* there's an idea ;)

PS: If you can't figure it out by now, I'm not home, which is why I can post this entry.
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On Friday, August 13, 2004 6:34:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not in my place. ^^    

On Friday, August 13, 2004 10:27:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahahahaha poor u!


On Friday, August 13, 2004 10:50:00 AM, Blogger Aulia said...

back at home. bro told me it was fixed just 3-4 hours ago. which means around 10 am, which makes it damn near 36 hours! 3 times the projected outage. grrrrrr...    

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