Sunny Side Up

Dude, seriously, geek.

I knew it

No copying music at all in Australia

I read about this ancient, retarded, and demented copyright issue a while ago when Apple started its Rip. Mix. Burn. campaign. It was on The Age, a local paper, but funnily enough, it was in the Education section. Now that Apple has the iPod, and has had it for close to 3 years, the issue resurfaces. The SMH, Sydney's sister paper to The Age brought up the issue today about customers not being allowed by law to have personal multiple copies of a song that they've legally bought. What this means is that you can't even copy the songs that you bought, to your computer.

For instance, you bought a CD and you want to listen to it on the road. You have to have the CD in a Discman with you, or in the car's CD changer. So basically, if you want your entire music library with you at all times, you can't have it in your iPod or any other MP3 player for that matter, YOU HAVE TO BRING EVERY SINGLE CD THAT YOU OWN WIT YOU! Now how's that for inconvenience?

Even worse, the ARIA, (Australia's version of the RIAA) is intent on blocking any proposed change in the law that may allow personal copying. So the hundred thousand mp3 player owners and the millions of music lovers who's got songs in their computers in Australia... are criminals! WHOOOOHOOO!!! way to go for a nation built by criminals and rejects :rolleyes:
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On Thursday, August 05, 2004 5:56:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gives me more reason to move out.

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