Sunny Side Up

Dude, seriously, geek.


At this moment i have no specific plan for this blog. Seems that there's just so much I wanna put in but I can't put them all in one blog now can I? Well, not that I'm planning to have multiple ones, which I may sometime later but who knows. Anyway, if I put them all in here, it's gonna be a complete mess and talk about continuity! I'm gonna have a hard time keeping up with what to update.

As it stands, I'm just gonna be filling this in with observations and rants about things I see, hear, or read. Making comments here and there about things that come to my attention.

Oh yeah, I got an extension for the letter of completion I'm supposed to submit to Deakin. I got 'til next Friday, which is more than enough time for RMIT to get its act together. I may be saved after all. Whoohoo!

Bro got himself a 3G 20GB iPod today. Practicaly stole it off his friend cuz he bought it off him for $350!! Now, the 20Gb iPods cost $499 new, this guy had literally just bought it not even 10 minutes and my bro told him about the new models coming out soon which have a better control pad (click wheel instead of touch sensitive button row) and longer battery life (12 hours instead of 8). So what did the guy do? Sold it to him on 2nd hand price just like that. He hadn't even opened the damn thing!!! By the way, it was one of the very last iPods of any kind available in the city. Those two probably have been scouring he city for several days looking for iPods. The last of the 3G models practically ran out this week, leaving the retail space iPodless until the fresh batch of new 4G iPods arrive.

Right.. see what i mean? the mind is a dangerous thing. Too many thoughts lead to random outbursts that are obviously not connected to one another. It's an abstract, which is pretty much what this entry is all about. A jumble of mess.
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On Thursday, July 29, 2004 11:57:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

gosh ur bro is so lucky to have bought that iPod! btw, wats the use of having multiple blogs? i still dont get it.


On Friday, July 30, 2004 12:47:00 AM, Blogger Aulia said...

say i post my daily oservations along with my rants about the rugby league team I follow and then jump into ravings on formula 1, and then i decided to write a book review. wouldn't you be confused reading it? chaos!    

On Friday, July 30, 2004 8:44:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yes thats true.there should be separate blog for for random thoughts, blog for reviews(books/movies/music)blog for poetry or whatever.hehe.
mac,kalo mo insert gambar dan foto di blog gimana caranya ya?    

On Friday, July 30, 2004 11:16:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah if u jump from rugby, to movie reviews, to F1, i'll still understand it. im not that dumb.


On Saturday, July 31, 2004 6:21:00 AM, Blogger Aulia said...

this blog is already messed up as it is, :D :D I'm trying to put some order into it.

anonymous who posted right after me up there, is that you rag? haven't you noticed I'm newer at this than you are? you got two blogs already and you're asking me how to post pics? I'm barely a week into this thing! I need more exploration XD XD    

On Thursday, August 05, 2004 6:00:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

No it wasnt rag, it's me, heart. heheh    

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