Sunny Side Up

Dude, seriously, geek.

Posting again

Hell week over. Assignments are gone for the semester.. at least most of them, still got one more group assignment for week 10 and a mid semester marketing test, which isn't really an assignment. Pheeeewwww...

The iPod is going real good. I put all of my MP3/AAC in that little gadget as well as backing up my iBook's home folder so I'll have all my important files when I need them. 2 Gigs left on that iPod now. I wanted to get the 40GB but even if I buy it on student price, it's still way over the limit that I can spend, seeing as I do need to eat you know. Anyway, the 20GB seems mighty small now. A bit disconcerting. Apple insist that I name the iPod when I first plug it in to the Mac so I call it Frost. The iBook is Snow, my backup drive Ice, and my USB disk Glacier. Most of them being white, it made it easy to name.

Although the iPod did hang once on Sunday. I was on my way to watching the Storm when it suddenly stopped streaming music from its tiny 1.8 inch hard drive to my eardrums via Apple's long, white, instantly recognizable earphones. I had it on lock so it wouldn't accidentally change songs or turn itself full blast to blow my eardrums to pieces. Somehow the disk just stopped working and the whole thing was simply... stuck. @_@ I tried pressing every button combination I could think of, since there's no actual power or reset button, to no avail. I figured it would either ran out of power eventually, or I'll found out a way to get it working again.

As soon as the game started though, the whole drama just slipped my mind and I just sat there enjoying the final home game of the year for the Storm and the final home game for three of the club's most prominent personalities as they're either retiring or play for other clubs elsewhere from 2005.

The forecast for the day was rain, thunderstorm, wind, and a top of 16ยบ I think. At midday, it looked like the forecast was going to be a miss, and it stayed that way until I got to the stadium. Just before the national anthem... it poured. In bucketfuls. It was raining, it was windy, and it was cold. Lucky I was sitting under cover. A bit of rain flew in though, just a tiny bit, helped by the wind, and nearly everyone who was out on the standing area ran inside under the covers. The stands quickly filled up and it was the most packed game I've ever seen in the last 3 years. Not the most crowd but the eastern seats were full. It certainly looked good for the TV.

Right at half time I decided to move to the standing area to see some friends who always watch the game from there. They were drenched! LOL I was expecting not to see them there cuz of the rain but hey, there they were!! So I end up staying til the whole game ended. The rain was practically over by the second half and it end up pretty much dry. That's Melbourne for ya. Anyway, we won the game and gave a fitting farewell to the players leaving the club.

I checked the iPod at half time to see what it was doing but found it dead. While I got a bit worried, thankfully it didn't really die, only ran out of battery. Right at that time, a friend of mine told me how to reset a hung iPod without using a Mac. What great timing, NOT!! Well, I suppose it would help if it happens again. Anyway, it was the only combination I didn't press. Hold Menu and Enter together for several seconds.

Soon as I got home, I plugged it in and let it fully charge before giving it a test. All well. Didn't look like the glitch ever happened.

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On Monday, August 23, 2004 10:46:00 PM, Blogger Aulia said...

*waits for someone to come and say "I'm not reading that long shit!"* :D    

On Tuesday, August 24, 2004 9:06:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's good to know Storm won the game. So what actually happened to your iPod? Just hung for no reason?

On Tuesday, August 24, 2004 3:05:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahaha i read that long post!! *wink*

but anyway, u had a typo in your entry. *smirks*


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