Sunny Side Up

Dude, seriously, geek.

The Bomb Issue

On September 9, 2004 10:15 am West Indonesia Time, a high explosive bomb exploded in front of the Australian Embassy in Jakarta killing at least nine people, injuring over a hundred.

Windows and exteriors of surrounding buildings were smashed, cars were destroyed, and a large portion of the embassy's fence was blown wide open in addition to a crater measuring 3 meters deep and 4 meters wide below the point of explosion.

A number of embassy security personnel including stationed police officers were killed but no other staff was significantly injured. While the attack was clearly aimed at Australians, all of the victims were Indonesians.

Early reports and suspicions point to Jemaah Islamiyah, the same group that was behind the Bali bombing of 2002.

It is yet another sad day in the history of the country where in 2003, there were at least four bombing incidents, most significant of which was the J.W. Marriott bombing which killed 12 people and injuring hundreds of others.

Now here's my take. These terrorists aren't exactly smart are they? First they bombed 2 nightclubs in Bali. 202 people were killed, 88 of them Australians, many others were locals. One of the bombers then admitted during the trial that their targets were Americans. Apparently to them, any blond caucasian is an American and he apologized for killing so many Australians when they had no intention to.

Next, they bombed a terminal lounge of the Jakarta International Airport in early 2003, a large number of people were injured from the nail bomb. They then bombed a McDonald's outlet in Makasar, North Sulawesi for being an American icon. A number of Indonesians were killed, mind you, no Americans were there. After that, they detonated a car bomb right in front of J.W. Marriott. An American hotel with international guests. Guess who took the full brunt of the explosions? Taxi drivers who were waiting at the lobby. They made up most of the dead victims. There was one other unrelated incident where a bomb went off just in front of a police building. The only victim being the exterior of the building.

Failing to kill many Americans, they decided, "Let's get Australia instead! After all, they helped the Americans invade Afghanistan and Iraq!" So they meticulously planned their attacks, scouted the place, set up their bomb, and ran two motorcycles armed with explosives right into a police truck stationed in front of the embassy. This time, security guards and police officers were the main victims with some civillians. While the bomb was much, much more destructive than the Marriott bomb, it's a miracle not as many people were killed or injured. The previous bomb took out three or four buildings and was heard within 10 kilometers while this one took around 7-8 bulildings and was heard up to 20 kilometers away.

So much for the mandatory vehicular and personal bomb check on every office building and shopping malls in the city. Frankly, these bombs checks are something of a joke. You can hide firearms in the front seat of your car and they'd never know or have C-4 explosives in your bag and you can waltz right in! In fact, the explosives used in this bombing were C-4s! The same kind used by the US military. As you know, C-4's are plastic based explosives so those metal detectors would skip even 10 kilos of this stuff if you bring them in. Brilliant!

Oh yeah, there were rumors about Indonesian students in Australia being asked to return to Indonesia or face deportation and another about a severing diplomatic relations. HELLOOOO!!!?!?!?!?!?! There's over a hundred thousand Indonesians living in this country!!! HOW THE HELL DO YOU PLAN TO SHIP OUT THAT MANY PEOPLE IN SHORT NOTICE??? That would be a logistical and economic suicide!!! Apparently the reports came in from a couple of Indonesian TV stations, who now obviously need to do a hell of a lot more checking with their sources of materials. Buncha retards.
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