Sunny Side Up

Dude, seriously, geek.

Long ranting*

Apart from that scream of agony, I haven't updated in nearly two weeks, I'm just overloaded with work. It's insane how much they want me to do in such a short time. At the moment, I'm two weeks overdue on my deadlines, few of them I could've finished in a couple of days but most of them, even if I'm pleased with how they came out, there's always that dreaded revision request.

The Apple brochure I'm working on was due oh, on the 17th of this month. I came up with around five ideas for my Managing Director to choose from and after 7 revisions, he's still not happy with it. On the other hand, the delay also allowed me to include the 17" MacBook Pro Apple just released a couple of days ago. The problem was fitting in a third model into a two model layout I perfectly had set out before the 17" debuted. Damn Apple for offering choices!

Another thing I had to do by yesterday was finish redesigning a presentation. The original one was so horrendous that I just had to modify the content so they'd be easier on the eye and simpler for people to understand. It's for a 30 minute presentation and they had almost 60 slides. WTF was going on there?? I proposed to cut it into 20 slides but it didn't fly with Marketing, they insisted on having all the pictures they had on about a third of the slides and a whole set of page-long articles that took up around 10 slides. I managed to talk them into dropping the articles and going for quotes instead so it saved me about 8 slides but the pictures couldn't go. In the end, I ended up with 38 slides after cutting and moving some contents around. I'm not too happy about it but at least it's now clearer and more direct.

After hours, the GM** wasn't too happy with my work and called me because as it turns out, he said the slides were all messed up despite the fact that we had a trial run at the office and everyone was fine with it except for a handful of glitches that I managed to fix on a separate copy during the presentation.

So what went wrong? Windows. The prick ran the slides on Windows and surprise, surprise, despite having been created on PowerPoint on my Mac (Yes, I ended up having to to endure the ugly, dreadful, horrendous, and mortifying experience of creating slides on Powerpoint -that's for another entry when I have the time), Windows couldn't display it properly. Figures.

I have a printed copy that shows the slides look absolutely fine. He berated me on the phone for making such a mess but knowing that he ran them on Lucifer's OS, I just shot back and pretty much told him his computer blows chunks and being a GM of an Apple reseller, he should be ashamed of using a piece of shit PC. Not in so many words of course though I'm not sure he even got the message. Heh. I'm barely a month working here and I already owned the BusDev and General Managers except I like the BusDev, he really works hard.

Earlier in the day, the GM asked me to install BootCamp on the new Mac mini Core Duo we just got. Okay, so people are starting to recognize that I'm the ultimate Mac geek of the company but Windows on Mac???? Jesus Christ on a pogo stick, if I wasn't paid to do it I wouldn't even wanna install Windows on a PC!! Oh wait, I'm not. I'm paid to design banners, posters, brochures and stuff like that, not to install shit on a priceless artwork.

Even worse, he asked it around 3 pm and he wanted it ready for today. Yeah right, like I'm gonna stay at the office overnight waiting to download all the necessary software, install them one by one, burn the driver's CD, and wait forever to install Windows (never mind the fact that we don't even have the version of Windows XP Install CD it needs!). Also, where the fuck was I suppose to sleep??

The icing on the cake though, we're literally hours away from an exhibition we're involved in and we just discovered after hours that the software we need to run can't run on Intel Macs!! Most of our PowerPC Macs are being used in another exhibition in another city so the poor BusDev is right now, as I type this entry near midnight, having to figure out how to get enough of them back to cover for this oversight. Why didn't we find out sooner? We only got the Intel Macs today, (one month over due btw). Two days from the show, and one day before setting them up at the trade hall. It doesn't say at the website that it's not compatible with Intel Macs.

I've only been working here a month and I'm already a fashion consultant, manual labor, IT helpdesk, psychologist, spy, Mac genius, Apple trainer, middle-man, all in addition to my actual job as an Illustrator/Photoshop slave.

*What a title! -if you don't get it, it's a multilingual pun. It's still a multilingual pun even if you do get it. See what I did there? HA!

**The GM isn't the head of the company, the Managing Director is and I got no beef with him, he's a good guy.
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On Thursday, April 27, 2006 3:14:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Long ranting? Are you it's not a branch? =P    

On Friday, April 28, 2006 3:02:00 PM, Blogger Sunny said...

About the title, ok I don't get it. I get it that ranting = branch in Indonesian (oops, do I make a spoiler here?), but what so fuss about it, I'm lost.    

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