Sunny Side Up

Dude, seriously, geek.

Good and Bad (Mac+work related)

It's official. I'm the resident expert on Macs in the office. Everyone comes to me if they have Mac problems. This means I'm doing double duty, one as a designer, the other as a techie. The last place I worked at I was also a techie. At home in Melbourne, I was also the neighborhood techie. It's my lot in life.

One issue with that though, Finder on my iBook is eating up 60% of CPU every time I turn the computer on (just started acting up last week) and I can't figure out why it's doing that. No Finder window is open, no copying, no moving, nothing. It's only meant to take up around 10% of that.

Being the resident expert, I have no one to turn to. Bah.

PS. I'm also officially an employee. I signed my job contract today.
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On Tuesday, April 04, 2006 12:08:00 PM, Blogger Raw eggs said...

maybe the widget's finally decided to rebel and take control of the CPU usage.

what kind of word is MSSYVYX anyway?    

On Wednesday, April 05, 2006 4:56:00 PM, Blogger Suds said...

congrats on the employee thing, but you know what? my pb has been running extremely slow recently too... not sure what it is but something is making this baby chug.    

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