Sunny Side Up

Dude, seriously, geek.

My gripe with Sony Ericsson

My T610
I've been an SE user since October 2003, the time I got my now beat-up and battered T610. I've been a fan of their phones since because of the combination of design and features they pack into them. Not forgetting the price that's always coming down like a ton of bricks after about 4 months in the market allowing people to get access to the current most technology at reasonable prices, unlike a certain Finnish phone company who shall remain nameless whose latest phones are seemingly always at the forefront of technology but the prices are generally unreachable except for the well off. Ah, what the heck, who cares, NOKIA.

Just so you know, phones here are bought outright. No GSM network provider sell phones with a phone plan and there's no such thing as mobile phone contracts. Hence the rant about prices. It's like buying TV. You buy the TV and then you subscribe to the cable/satellite service. This could tangent to a different rant but it won't.

Umm... what was I talking about again?

Phones. Oh yeah, SonyEricsson phone names.

I've been saving up to get myself a K600i phone for a possible switch to 3G sometime this year as Vodafone is entering the 3G market as a partner with Malaysian-owned local mobile telco XL this June. As of last month, the XL GSM network is already part of Vodafone.

Anyway, there goes another tangent.

Now, I just found out that the K600 has been discontinued although remaining stock is still coming in for the next few weeks after which the K610 will enter the market to replace it at double the current price of the K600i, fair enough it's a new phone. Okay so K610 follows the K600, that makes sense. The T630 followed the T610, naturally, and the T616 and T618 are just regional variants of the T610, still understandable.

Just now, I was browsing for comparisons when I saw a J100 model which is a new phone recently announced, but then what do I see displayed next to it? J200, J210, J220, and J230. All old phones. What gives?

Without knowing about the phones before hand, who'd have guessed that the K790 is the same phone as the K800 except for its lack of 3G features? Or that the W600 is identical to W550? Was the K750 a successor to the K700? No, but the K800 is a successor to the K750 and the K600 came after the K700.

Now, if I miss out on the K600, I'm gonna have to see if the K610 can sync address book and calendar data to the Mac. Otherwise, it's yet another waiting game, which means I'm probably gonna be using this broken down T610 12 months from now. I won't be able to afford an absolutely brand new 3G phone until it has several months of shelf time.
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On Friday, March 03, 2006 11:35:00 AM, Blogger Sunny said...

Gue pemakai Nokia tapi lama2 bosen dan iya ya harganya mahal jadinya gue beralih ke Siemens sekarang pakai C60 tapi penampilannya itu susah di-maintain sekarang aja bodinya udah banyak scratch gitu makanya gue sekarang berpikir2 untuk pindah ke Sony Ericsson.


Mac, kalo ntar2 gue kirim lagi banner untuk Movie Territory dan blog anak gue gpp ya, gue udah request di shoutbox gue tapi ya lo tau sendirilah dasar doneeh sucks    

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