Sunny Side Up

Dude, seriously, geek.

Teh iPod is broke 2.0

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So again Frosty the iPod is in repair. The constant skipping and software crashing started to get on my nerves so I just had to get it looked at. Tried all I could to alleviate the problem but it just won't quit. So it's now in the shop. Actually, it's been there since last Wednesday, I just remembered to blog about it today and hopefully I can get it back fixed or a replacement by Thursday. It's been difficult to hang out or drive without music. Radio's fine but often I'd rather listen to my iPod.

Oh, the 1GB nano might come in handy if I decide to buy it. It'd make for a nifty flash disk too except I'm gonna need to carry the USB cable all the time. My 128MB flash disk is becoming inadequate.
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On Wednesday, February 08, 2006 4:17:00 PM, Blogger Suds said...

Just spring for a 512Mb shuffle, cheap, hardy and cute!

Besides you can save the extra cash you would have spent towards that iPod 5G (or 6G).

That's what I'm doing.    

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