Sunny Side Up

Dude, seriously, geek.


I saw on CNN last night that the WSJ is saying Disney is in talks to buy Pixar but the deal will also allow Pixar CEO Steve Jobs to become Disney's single largest stockholder and Pixar co-founder and genius John Lasssiter to hold serious power in Disney's (currently anemic) animation department. This sounds to me like when Apple "paid" NeXT Computers "to run things" back in 1996 ;D

Here's an article from AppleInsider

Imagine Jobs lording over the most popular computer/gadget company that is Apple Computer and the media empire that is Disney. It could be a Jobs world after all.

It's a world of iPods
A world of tunes
It's a world of Macs
And a world of 'toons
There's so much that we share
That it's time we're aware
It's Steve Jobs' world after all!
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