Sunny Side Up

Dude, seriously, geek.

The perils of a mall rat

I have one reason to hang out at the mall. Leeching bandwidth off of their free wifi. it's not really leeching if it's free is it?

Got here at 1:00p.m and parked the car at basement 3, the only one with available parking spots. Fully intending to leave by 5:00p.m, I went around in vain to see if I can grab a seat at the food court while my bro went to buy a PS2 console since he left his in Melbourne when he left last June and I had no space in my bags to bring it with me when I left there back in December.

I should've known that people flock to the mall on holidays even more so than on weekends. The food court was so packed, we ended up at Frankfurter and hung out until 5 (I think it's still full even as I type this, 6.5 hours since).

Downstairs in the parking lot, I couldn't get the car moving more than one car length on the way out since it was so packed, so we decided to re-park and see what the hell was going on and walked towards the exit up 4 levels. Turns out it's all backed up all the way around the mall up from the main entrance to the exit. There must be hundreds of cars, maybe a couple of thousand either trying to get out of the mall or go in at the same time. We took some pictures before a security guard told us we're not allowed to but he didn't actually come over to ask to delete them so we just shrugged and left (I'll post the pics some other day since I left my camera in the car).

Around 6 p.m, we went back to the car and see if we can get out of the mall. One hour later we moved maybe 100 meters still in basement 3, so we parked the car again and I'm back inside the mall while my brother's sleeping in the car. I don't know why he'd rather stay in the car since it's so stuffy in the basement even with the car's windows wound down.

It's now 7:40 p.m, I'm gonna stay here until maybe 8:30. The mall closes at 10 so hopefully by 8 the influx have subsided and people can get their cars out of the mall.

At least I got to chat with Sav and I found out the phone I want, the Sony Ericsson K600i, is now down to just over the price point I'm after which is Rp 2.5 million or A$350 outright, which means I can totally afford it but I might wait until I get my next job order just to give me that comfortable buffer for spending money.

If anyone's wondering why I'm not buying the phone off a plan, that's because there's no such thing unless you're after a CDMA network. People here buy phones outright direct from phone retailers. Nokia, Sony Ericsson, Motorola, etc all have reseller networks. It's like buying a computer and getting your net connection from an ISP later, or buying a TV and getting cable later.

It's now 7:54 p.m. I was supposed to be home an hour ago because I got a friend coming over.
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On Friday, February 03, 2006 8:53:00 AM, Blogger Suds said...

Wow, sounds like your shopping centre puts even Chadstone to shame!    

On Saturday, February 04, 2006 10:58:00 AM, Blogger Aulia said...

Jakarta is probably the mall capital of the world with a major one popping up every quarter or so. I'll see if I can list them one of these days.    

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