Sunny Side Up

Dude, seriously, geek.


Cilandak Town Square
Here I am journaling from Starbucks at Cilandak Townsquare. It's a mall primarily consisting of restaurants and cafés. It just so happens I'm here on a Wednesday which apparently is Ladies' Day. Somehow Ladies' Day means bazaar, specifically garments. Clothes and accessories stands everywhere.

It's full of people. Moms, dads, high schoolers still in uniforms, yuppies, business men and corporate ladies. All the coffee places are full with urban cowboys and corporate power brokers doing what they do, all negotiating and discussing under the influence. Of coffee beans of course. Photos over at flickr.

What am I doing here? Mom's just across at Café Regal with a colleague talking to a client and I'm her driver for the day. It just stopped raining and the weather is cool and breezy, perfect for sleeping in, which is where the grande rhumba frappuccino (two p's and two c's!!) comes in because I need to stay awake and alert and my stomach doesn't like coffee on its own. The air conditioner just across from where I'm sitting is working against my struggle to stay awake. Move you say? No way! I got a great seat, except for the AC blowing in my face. Nice comfy sofa where I can just sit down, relax, and snooze. No, I gotta stay awake.

I got a call earlier from iBox, the place where I put my iPod in for repair last week and they said they have a new unit ready for me to pick up. Way to go AppleCare, I knew you wouldn't let me down!

Now I'm left wondering if it's a fresh monochrome 4G, color screen 4G or a 5G iPod. It's only been just over 7 months since the mono 4G was discontinued so I wouldn't be surprised if they still have a few for replacement stock. Wouldn't be able to pick it up until at least tomorrow though, it's already 4 p.m, mom's meeting would last at least one hour, the place closes at 6 and it's going to take me 1 hour to get there.

When I pick it up, it's going to be my 3rd new iPod in three years. I guess Apple's QC isn't up to snuff when it comes to iPods, thankfully I bought AppleCare. That or I kept getting a lemon. Lemon iPod, hmm.
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