Sunny Side Up

Dude, seriously, geek.

US politics

Caught the first of the US presidential debate series this morning and I got two words for it. Kerry OWNZ!!

Apparently it wasn't as spirited as past debates like between Clinton vs Bush, Dole vs Clinton, or Reagan vs Carter but it clearly showed how composed, confident, well resourced, and well argued John F. Kerry is compared to Dubya. Of all Kerry's arguments and points, the only thing Bush could do is attack on pedantics (Kerry forgetting Poland as an ally of the US in the Invasion of Iraq) and say that a leader should not present mix messages and change positions. It's pretty much Bush' argument throughout the whole debate on Homeland Security, saying Kerry keeps changing positions and sending mixed messages. It's almost like watching Fox News with their news readers and talk show hosts parroting the words flip-flop every chance they get as if it's the only descriptive drivel that they know.

How dumb could Bush be when Kerry attacked him on the government's failure to sign the Kyoto Agreement on greenhouse emissions and he confused it with the non-signing on the International Court of Justice? Kerry also caught Bush flat footed when he mentioned North Korea's and Iran's increasing nuclear -or as Bush would say, nucular- capabilities being largely ignored as the US focuses itself on Iraq's reported WMD cache and factories, which we all now know is based on inaccurate documents and misconceptions. Even after the writer of the report came out and admitted the inaccuracies and a special commission denounced the reports as misleading, Bush and his people kept finding other reasons to argue for their occupation of Iraq.

Bush also failed to acknowledge how messed up Iraq is now, not that you'd expect him to, seeing as that would mean acknowledging his mistake in invading the country without a follow up plan. Of the 1,000+ US troops killed in action in Iraq, 80% of them died AFTER Bush held a speech on an aircraft carrier with a banner that said "Mission Accomplished" back in May 1, 2003. Usually when a mission is done, you regroup and return, you don't hang around 15 months later trying to survive with no escape plan in sight.

There are two more presidential debates in the next few weeks and I'd like to see how the businessman who destroyed every company he touched, does on the debate on the economy. Bush got his ass kicked on home turf today but I'm sure Bush supporters would argue otherwise.
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On Friday, October 01, 2004 5:00:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like the part when Dubya replied Kerry's attack on capturing Osama with a slip up. Silly old man. XDDDD    

On Monday, October 04, 2004 1:57:00 PM, Blogger snydez said...

melbourne segede apa sih?    

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