Sunny Side Up

Dude, seriously, geek.

Staying Secure

I'd like to direct your attention for a moment to this web page and this web page

Now, would you rather keep applying patches after patches after patches to keep your browser secure? Imagine the time spent on downloading all those patches and the time spent on applying them to keep your browser secure. Wouldn't you rather download a browser that's secure from the get go?

You may or may not be aware that Internet Explorer isn't the only browser in the planet. There are better browsers available for Macintosh, Linux, and Windows such as Opera, Safari, Mozilla and Firefox. These browsers are supported by the open source community which is much more responsive and proactive in ensuring private information remains private and providing a secure, safer, and better browsing experience than any single large private organization.

I strongly believe that everyone should give these alternatives a go as those are much more standards compliant than Microsoft's IE and much more secure, proven by the fact that there are far fewer security breaches for those browsers compared to IE.

Let me end this with a quote from a well respected technology journalist.
“I suggest dumping Microsoft's Internet Explorer, which has a history of security breaches. I recommend instead using Mozilla Firefox. It’s not only more secure but also more modern and advanced, with tabbed browsing and a better pop-up ad blocker.”
Walter S. Mossberg, Wall Street Journal, September 16, 2004
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