Sunny Side Up

Dude, seriously, geek.

U2 can have an iPod Photo

Early this morning (Australian Time) Apple yet again expanded the extremely popular iPod line from iPod and iPod mini to add iPod Special Edition: U2, and iPod Photo.

iPod SE:U2iPod SE:U2 signThe U2 edition comes in only one model but it has a distinctive black frontal enclosure with red click wheel instead of gray, and the chrome back sports laser-etched signatures of each member of U2.

You'll get an exclusive U2 poster and a discount coupon for an iTunes Music Store exclusive product, The Complete U2 digital box set, which will include every album ever released by U2 and the as yet launched How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb as well as "25 rare and unreleased tracks". The iPod itself is otherwise a standard 20GB model. I'm sure there will be other iPod Special Editions subject to the popularity of this one.

iPod PhotoThe iPod Photos will, obviously as the name suggests, be able to display photos. How, you ask? The iPods only have a 2 inch grayscale screen and the battery lasts 12 hours, surely a color screen will severely degrade that capacity! Well, here's something that Apple has managed to do. They've put a 65K color LCD screen and INCREASED, yes, increased the battery life to 15 hours of continuous music, or 5 hours of photo slideshow with music. I suppose the larger size of the iPod Photo has a lot to do with the battery capacity.

Unbelievable, I know. It's a very nice addition to the family and very useful if you wanna carry your photos around and show it to people or just for your personal reference. It comes in two models, 40 GB and 60GB, both with iPod docks and covered in classic iPod white/chrome enclosure as well as an A/V cable to display the photos on a television screen.

Yes, you can put up your photographic skills (or lack of it) on television for the whole house to see (or maybe the whole television store if you're feeling confident enough). Just connect the iPod to the TV using the A/V cable and voila! The complete collection of your narcissistic exhibitionist nature on display just like that.

Just how many songs and photos can you fit in that small metal box anyway? The iPod Photo can store up to 15,000 songs or 25,000 photos depending on the size of each song/photo. Of coure, if you max out the hard drive on songs, you won't be able to fit any photos and vice versa. It will also be able to do everything the regular vanilla iPods can do such as let you play simple games, store contacts/address book, text/html notes, appointments etc.

To get the iPod Photo working with your computer, you will need the newly released iTunes 4.7 for both Mac and PC which will sync itself with Apple's own iPhoto on the Mac or if you're trapped in Windows, Adobe Album or Adobe Elements. As soon as iTunes syncs the songs between itself and the iPod, it will grab the photos from the photo albums and copy it to the iPod. Also, the iPod Photo will be able to show the album cover of the current song you're listening to if the song file has that information.

My 4th generation 20GB iPod suddenly looks very outdated overnight despite being the current model.

So as of today, Apple's line of iPods are:
  • iPod mini; 4GB
  • iPod; 20GB, 40GB
  • iPod Photo; 40GB, 60GB
  • iPod Special Edition: U2; 20GB
Don't you just want one of those? ;)

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On Wednesday, October 27, 2004 9:18:00 AM, Blogger barijoe said...

correction, man: the T610 sports a 65K STN screen, a rarity for phones of its era (just a year ago...), while the T630 has a 65K TFT screen. boy, i'd love to get my hands on the Ipod Photo.    

On Thursday, October 28, 2004 7:38:00 AM, Blogger Aulia said...

right, i'll make the corrections    

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