Sunny Side Up

Dude, seriously, geek.

Sleeping in is bad mmkay?

Man, I can't believe it, I got up at 3:00 pm today!! Freakin 3:00pm!!! My cousin said the other day, the best thing about weekends is you can sleep in and wake up whenever you want. I suppose it's a good optioon to have but after sleeping in myself, I have to say it's really not a good idea to sleep in. Here's how today went down.

A friend of mine called late last night and we were deep in discussion about an assignment when I realized I only have less than 1 hour left for saur so I had to cut it short and went to work in the kitchen seeing as I didn't have anything prepared. In the middle of chopping onion, potatoes, tomato & mushrooms, I saw the clock and I had about half an hour left. I figured there's no way I could finish cooking mushroom chicken and still have time to eat it especially since despite being out of the freezer for nearly 5 hours, the chicken's still half frozen. So off I went to the cupboard in desperation looking for something fast n' easy to prepare. With no dramas, I got myself a bowl of coco pos & corn flakes for some short n' sweet breakfast.

After saur I caught the rugby league Tri Nations between Australia & New Zealand. Following the draw last weekend, I expected this game to be just as close and maybe even better and until around the 60 minute mark, everything went to plan as they trail only 14-12. That's when somehow the Kiwis were run ragged and eventually losing the game 32-12. Having 4 tries scored against in 20 minutes can only mean the Kiwis are not as fit and organized as the Aussies who simply carved up and pulled up another gear in the pouring rain.

Anyway, I figured I should finish my mushroom chicken for tonight seeing as the chicken's already out and it's mostly prepared already. So I finished cooking and that's already around 7 or 8 am when I decided to give the baseball game my bro bought yesterday a try. It's an old-ish game he picked up for $19.95 at EB, All Star Baseball 2003. The guy caught the baseball bug after following the MLB finals series on FoxSports. I think I fell asleep in the middle of it and somehow found myself on the couch 7 hours later with a massive headache and sore joints like I've been up all night... oh wait.

Somehow all this reminds me of when I played The Sims and had a Sim up all night working returning early morning and being all cranky and upset when I forced him to wake up before his stamina was full. LOL

While this means I only have to fast for less than 4 hours, I'm feeling pretty unfit and uncomfortable doing anything outside. Having had something planned for today, sleeping in really messed up that plan and now I can't even remember what it was! @_@

No more sleeping in way late like today for me from now on.
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On Monday, October 25, 2004 9:29:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Head hurt. Fasting + sugar high = bad idea.

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