Sunny Side Up

Dude, seriously, geek.


Bad days are no longer what it used to be thanks to Daniel Powter's overplayed song, so in that honor, I came up with an Indonesian version of it a couple of days ago while driving. Here's the abridged version. Got a few lines that may need revisions so I haven't posted the full lyrics. Non-Indonesian speakers, you'll just have to give this one a miss because I got no time to translate and explain the whole thing.

Here it is.
by me
Of course, sung to the tune of Bad Day by Powter.

Pagi-pagi berangkat dari kost
Tiba tiba ban motor gembos
Padahal bukan holiday
Kantor masuk tetep aje
Dan gue mesti tambal ban

Ga punya pulsa buat nelpon elo
Duit dipake sarapan soto
Berdiri sendiri di jalan
Apalagi di tengah hujan
Tetep mesti tambal ban

Gue lagi bete
Pulsa kosong
Makin pusing karena dompet hilang
Gue bingung deh bo
Loe jangan mulai
Baju basah semua jadi berat
Gue lagi bete
Ga tau mau apa
Di tengah hujan, deresnya bukan main
Gue lagi bete
Gue lagi bete

I got another version in the works that's more closely related to work. Unveiling when I'm done. ^_^
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