Sunny Side Up

Dude, seriously, geek.

Hard headed

I told him the Mac mini can't drive the 30" Apple Cinema Display on full resolution two weeks ago. He insisted it can because he saw a Mac mini powering a 30" ACD at an Apple store (not THE Apple Store, there's none here). I said it's all pixellated because I was at the store just the day before. He didn't believe me so he told me to link up the mini core solo to the 30" ACD we have here.

To prove him wrong, I hooked them up. Before that though, he left the office. Well, so much for him wanting to prove me wrong.

It's 4 pm and he's not back yet. 1.5 hour to go. The way I see it, when (if) he ever gets back to the office, the dumbfuck's gonna look at it from a distance and say, "Hey, that looks great!". Yeah, if you look at it from 2 meters away, four times the typical distance.

Mac mini can't push more than 1920x1200 pixels on a regular analog connection and he wants it to push 2560x1600 on a digital link. With only a single link DVI, it won't push more than half the pixels the 30" needs.

Typical ignorant incompetent nincompoop.
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On Friday, May 12, 2006 7:04:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Why do I suddenly think of Dicky of 'Hey! Hey! It's Saturday!' ?    

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