Sunny Side Up

Dude, seriously, geek.

Lights. Upgrade. Action.

As predicted by several rumor sites, Apple finally unveiled its latest consumer portable computer powered by Intel Core Duo processors.

The MacBook arrived at 8:00 p.m (GMT+7) last night in three forms and two colors.

White MacBook
1.83GHz or 2.0GHz Intel Core Duo
60GB 5400 rpm HD
Slot loading Combo or Super Drive

Black MacBook
2.0GHz Intel Core Duo
80GB 5400 rpm HD
Slot loading Super Drive

Across the lineup, they share the following features:
13.3-inch glossy 1280 x 800 pixels TFT widescreen display
512MB RAM on two slots (2 x 256)
Gigabit Ethernet
Built in iSight
Apple Remote
Built in WiFi and Bluetooth 2.0
MagSafe Power connector
Intel GMA 950 graphics processor with 64MB of DDR2 SDRAM shared with main memory
Support for extended display (monitor spanning) up to 1920 x 1200 pixels
Support for 20-inch and 23-inch Apple Cinema Displays
Lid-closed operation

Immediately, the web pages concerning iBook G4 and sole remaining 12" PowerBook G4 have been removed from Apple's websites. The MacBooks are available now.

This means that Apple has nearly completed their goal of transitioning their Macintosh products from Power PC processors to Intel processors far ahead of their June '05 projection of initial product announcements scheduled for June '06. The Power Mac G5 is now the lone warrior carrying the PowerPC banner and from the looks of things, will be replaced by September of this year.

If you pay attention to the specs, you'll notice the speeds of the MacBooks are very similar to the MacBook Pros'. Fear not, the 15" MacBook Pros (MBP) have been upgraded with optional glossy display and 2.0GHz and 2.16GHz Intel Core Duo instead of using 1.83Ghz and 2.0GHz processors used previously.

This may have been the fastest product life cycle turnover Apple has ever had. The MacBook Pro was introduced with speeds of 1.67 and 1.83GHz in January of this year at Macworld San Fransisco but Apple quickly upgraded them to 1.83 and 2.0 respectively on the day of its actual availability. Within mere weeks, they have been re-upgraded to their current speeds to ensure product performance differentiation between the consumer and professional notebooks.

If you just bought and already received the 1.83GHz MBP Pro or ordered a custom built a 15" MBP with 2.16GHz Intel chip, You're gonna be real pissed.

If you work at an Apple partner in any capacity and just released or about to release promotional materials for the until-few-hours-ago current products, you're gonna be absolutely frustrated. Erm… I am ^_^;;
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On Wednesday, May 17, 2006 8:15:00 AM, Blogger Raw eggs said...


On Tuesday, May 23, 2006 7:24:00 PM, Blogger Suds said...

lol only if you think the rumour sites actually do any real fact checking!

Me, I'm really considering upgrading to the 1.83Ghz MB - I'll use the $400 i save to buy an external HD to make up for the lack of superdrive. I'm going to take my PB in and see how much they'll give for trade... depending on their answer i might end up trading after the exams this year.

Don't want my PB to lose too much value (which is inevitable now that the transition has happened).    

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