Sunny Side Up

Dude, seriously, geek.


I got two wedding invites for today, first one was earlier today, the second is later tonight. I was really looking forward to the first one cuz the groom was one of my best friends during school. We went to the same schools from kindergarten to junior high and the only reason we didn't go to the same high school was because I moved to Singapore and then Australia for the next 10 years. We still keep in touch but the nature of our jobs and our own personal activities kept communications to a minimum. Even with cell phones and emails.

The second is my mother's cousin's son's wedding. I don't know the guy. Probably never met him. Don't know what he looks like. Couldn't care less about him. Stranger? Completely. Stay at home? Not if you still wanna speak with the rest of the family.

I'm not particularly fond of weddings because wedding receptions here are generally boring. You arrive, you see the bride and groom and their parents being propped up on stage like robots whose job is only to shake hands and say "hey, thanks for coming, great to see ya", you line up, get up on stage, greet them, get off stage, rush to the buffet table, eat, "socialize", and then you leave. 5 seconds is all you get. If you're lucky.

The sad thing about weddings is there's really nothing to look forward to. You don't get to hang out with the couple, you don't find out about the other half of the couple you don't know about, and no, there's really no socializing. It's almost literally just a meet and greet session. Sometimes I wonder why I bother.

The food is a hit and miss. This morning's wedding was the first time in years that the food was really something I could eat. It's like the guy read my mind. Heh, thanks dude.

Speaking of weddings, I'm getting married. When? I'll let you know someday.

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On Monday, May 22, 2006 5:11:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Decemberrrr!!! :P sama ni, gw juga kadang2 ga ngerti knapa musti gitu. Gw paling males resepsi kecuali makannya :P apalagi resepsi kawinan sendiri    

On Tuesday, May 23, 2006 6:55:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wedding receptions is among the lamest excuses to blow away your money.

I bet I'll get dispwned if I say that in front of our parents, haha.    

On Tuesday, May 23, 2006 4:08:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I seriously dislike wedding receptions and traditional wedding ceremonies which looked like a freak show and the couples were more like a decoration. I mean, it's their party too, for the love of heaven!

Yet, like what I've mentioned on Sociology of Weddings 101, it's all abour ego, prestige and pride. Oh, I'm not talking about the Betawi wedding culture here but I'm only talking about the happy parents/families of the married couple.

Your WV killed me: zltoblkk
I was like o_O WTF? XDD    

On Tuesday, May 23, 2006 7:20:00 PM, Blogger Suds said...

Dude you're getting married? Congrats!

Or was that like a joke? It's so hard to tell tone on the internet...    

On Wednesday, May 24, 2006 8:18:00 AM, Blogger Raw eggs said...

>> amal
hmm... funny, I never did get dispwned for saying that in front of them.

>> Sav

ego, prestige and pride, 3 of humankind's worst vices and shunned by the two largets religion on this planet in which 90% of my family is a member of, yet......

I just love how hypocracy is so evident in everyday lives.    

On Wednesday, May 24, 2006 2:52:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh boy... I'm so spamming Ollie's blog. XDD Gomennachai... ^^;;

@ Aldy
Well, they must've given up on you. I think they are happy enough to know you're still interested in the opposite sex. =P XD

Shall we move to you blog and continue this talk over a cup of tea? ~_^

Man, the WV killed me again: dutbrb

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