Sunny Side Up

Dude, seriously, geek.

Crazy Roads

I'm back driving again guzzling precious resources for Rp 4000/liter (A$0.55/liter). Cheap fuel but not by local standards where last year it cost half the current prices. Funny thing about gas stations, they call regular Premium despite the fact that there's nothing premium about it and diesel fuel is Solar, no, nothing to do with the sun.

Nearly all gas stations are supplied by Pertamina, the state-owned oil company, even if they're operated by different entities, so every gas station has the same four fuel types, the three kinds of gas and the diesel fuel, except at the very few and recently opened Shell stations, none of which i've seen, let alone beeen to.

Traffic is one of the first things you tend to comment on when you're in Jakarta. Motorbikes and their riders, my sworn lifelong road nemesis, have grown in numbers substantially thanks to number of dealerships offering no down payment and low (no) credit check requirements.

They swarm the road as if they own it, they weave through traffic from all sides of the road, even riding against traffic flow if need be (and i'm using the word need very loosely here). Several times I've had bikes cut me off to turn left from my right hand side while I was turning right. THEY'RE FUCKING INSANE!!!! I wish they made it legal to run these fuckers down. DIE DIE DIEE!!! HAHAHAHAAAA!!!

And then there's drivers who don't use signals to turn. The worst are those who signal one way but they either never turn for the next half a kilometer or ended up stopping on the other side. WHUT DA HELLL??????
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