Sunny Side Up

Dude, seriously, geek.

(Not) A Surprise

So I woke up this morning from the couch (I love my couch) looking at my dad who apparently just flew in to town. Dad told me himself he was coming but never said when exactly so when my bro in Jakarta told me that he was coming in this morning he also said to act surprised or at least act like I didn't know about it. Heh.

So dad managed to get himself into the building and on to my floor without holding a fob/key pass to the building. How? The front door is locked with an electronic lock and same goes for the elevator so you can't come in and go upstairs without a matching pass. Turns out someone was coming in as well so he just followed him. As for getting upstairs, he asked the janitor who just happened to be on the ground floor and has a building-wide pass, to let him get to my floor. So much for security huh?

He still needed to get in the apartment though. No, he didn't have the keys to the door and Sav has the spare keys. So how? No, he doesn't have phase-shifting powers to walk through solid objects like Kitty Pryde a.k.a Shadowcat from the Excalibur/X-Men, though he was called up once to help *coughnamedropcough* David Copperfield with one of his magic tricks when he had a show in Jakarta about 15 years ago.

Anyway, he got in to the apartmnent thanks to my brother who opened the door. nothing fancy. Unpacking his suitcase, there was one massive pillow and a couple of packs of bedsheets. Sav's mom apparently asked dad to bring a few things for her and he's not exactly happy about it because they added a lot to the weight of the suitcase but it's not really her fault either. Turns out mom insisted that it's okay and he'd be more than happy to. Hmm… someone needs to relearn communications. What made the whole thing even worse was that Sav & I are leaving to Jakarta in a week and she wouldn't have much trouble bringing the stuff back to Melbourne on her own.

While Sav & I were off to finally watch Tim Burton's Corpse Bride (neat movie btw) and enjoyed the nice spring day by the Yarra, dad spent the day cleaning and reorganizing the apartment. That's his thing and he does it even if there's really nothing to be cleaned up as far as I'm concerned. I just did my own spring cleaning less than a week ago too. I guess he just likes to do something rather than hit the sack and rest after a long flight. He used to hit the golf course soon after landing when he still played golf.

Been a while since I've seen him, nearly a year I think. Looks like he put on weight :P heh. While it's nice to have him around again, it makes me wonder about our plan for next month since it seems that he's gonna be here until at least January and I kinda need him back in Jakarta next month. Hmmm…
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On Wednesday, November 23, 2005 5:07:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dang... jadi gak enak gini. ^^;; I seriously feel sorry for him.    

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