Sunny Side Up

Dude, seriously, geek.

Eid Mubarak

Late by a few days, sorry.

Eid ul Fitr was Thursday, biggest day of the year for Muslims around the world. I suppose some people can relate it to Christmas, biggest day (albeit arbitrary but that's for another entry) in the Christian faith, or Thanksgiving where traditionally the whole family would be home to celebrate the big day.

Plenty of people would feel odd celebrating the day without family members but there I was spending it with my brother, my girl and a close friend. Rest of my family was home overseas spending the day the way they always have, to the mosque in the morning and stay around at home entertaining guests before heading out later in the day to my dad's family and on the second day to my mom's except this year they didn't go to my dad's family gathering because the driver's gone home for the holidays and I'm the only one in the family who drives. The next day though, they managed to find a hire car with a driver to get to my mom's sisters place. Why they didn't do it on day one I never asked.

Spent the day at Sav's place mostly, catching up with Draco whom we haven't seen in a while. We didn't have ketupat (rice cakes wrapped in banana leaves) since none of us know how to make them but Sav made some onigiri, chicken with mushroom in soy sauce, and an experimental martabak using pizza dough which was interesting and chewie.

I guess we stuffed ourselves silly because we had to can the plans to hang out after lunch. Everyone just couldn't be bothered to haul ass, LOL. Too bad, it was such a good day to be spent outside, but we had a good time anyway.

Thanks to everyone who filled up my phone with well wishes and greetings over text, had to clear them out a few times in one day. Speaking of well wishes, people seemed to turn into instant wordsmiths around Eid, which put me in an awkward position. I don't do pretty words in greeting cards let alone sms so I have this one trick that I've always done over the years. It's low but it gets me through, so hey not my problem ^_^ Anyway what I do is I wait til I get a handful of messages and I just cross reply and use them to send to other people. Brilliant eh? Gyahahaha!! Hey, it's the thought that counts.
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On Tuesday, November 08, 2005 3:47:00 AM, Blogger Suds said...

lol you're a re-gifter! (like elaine)

P.S. What's Eid Mubarak all about?    

On Tuesday, November 08, 2005 5:09:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, I know how to cook ketupat!

I just don't know how to make the wrapper. =P    

On Tuesday, November 08, 2005 6:11:00 AM, Blogger Aulia said...

What's Eid Mubarak all about?

Google it.


Click the links man! I added the second link to wikipedia.    

On Tuesday, November 08, 2005 6:39:00 PM, Blogger Suds said...

lol me is lazy!    

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