Sunny Side Up

Dude, seriously, geek.

What's coming up

Okay so I haven't really updated in about a week, not through a lack of material, there's plenty in fact but it either just slipped my mind or just didn't feel like sharing. Yet. All in good time.

I can say though that I will be in Jakarta from December 1. How long I'm gonna be there, that's to be decided later. My ticket's valid for quite a while in case decide to extend my stay.

I'm gonna be catching up with a whole bunch of old friends I haven't seen in years and maybe do a few things I've been meaning to do for a while like seeing the rest of my extended family and visiting my grandparents' resting places.

Going back to driving is gonna be fun after about a year and a half having to stick to public transport. Might get complicated though with mom and dad both having regular activities now and needing the car more than ever.

My bro said getting another car is out of the question simply because I'm the only other person that can drive aside from the family driver and unless I'm there for an extended period, it's not worth getting another one and rentals are too expensive.

Net access will be a bitch though. It's a backwards country in terms of connectivity, most areas can't get cable and satellite net access is prohibitively expensive. ADSL is almost unheard of although given the quality and reliability of the phone lines (or lack thereof) it's probably a moot point.

Phone line at my parents' place get cutoff almost weekly by kids kite-battling. They don't just fly kites, they try to cut each other's kites off using armored strings. yeah, armored strings, they got them dipped in some sort of glassy liquid solution. These armored strings are strong enough to cut down the overhead phone lines.

Not like you can do anything about it, the telco don't give two hoots about protecting their property, they'd rather send someone to keep fixing them instead. Cheaper and more practical than having to dig in small streets.

There's a handful of places where I can hookup my iBook to decent net connection although the city is pretty much littered with Windows/Linux laden net cafes on broadband. I already have a few Mac friendly places marked so it's just a matter of finding the time and opportunity.

I'll be in Jakarta for several weeks, maybe a few months so if you're in the neighborhood, gimme a shout either in the shoutbox or over email and I'll pass you my mobile number there soon as I get one.
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