Sunny Side Up

Dude, seriously, geek.

The circle is now complete

OK so Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith premiered worldwide for the masses yesterday and my tickets are for tomorrow, Saturday 6:30 pm. Just about every review I read about this final episode ranged from moderately good to OMGWTFBBQTHISMOVIPWNZD!!! LOL

For some reason though, I can't bring myself to complete euphoria. I know I should be at least excited but maybe the last two movies brought the mood down. Although, the trailer completely rawked and it's probably going to be the best Star wars movie ever made. I mean Lucas pretty much screwed everyone up with the whole Jar Jar Binks and whiny boy saga and if he didn't fix it, boy, is he ever gonna pay.

This movie is probably going to be the most spoilerific of any move ever released since there's barely anything in the movie that's not already known. Here's the breakdown for the uninitiated:

The story begins with a rescue mission of Supreme Chancellor Palpatine by Obi Wan and Anakin, this much is known from the trailers and pre-release hype.
The Clone Wars end as the entire story has been told in the Clone Wars animated series on Cartoon Network.
Senator Amidala is pregnant but Anakin, whom she is secretly married to doesn't know they're having twins.
Even the twins didn't know they were twins, more on this later.
Anakin turns to the dark side and becomes Darth Vader but to do that, he has to kill Darth Tyrannus (Count Dooku), who's been Darth Sidious' apprentice as we know from episode 2 and Yoda said in episode 1, "Always two there are, no more no less. A master and an apprentice".
Dooku dies, otherwise Anakin can't be Sidious' apprentice.
Sidious is Palpatine because Palpatine is Vader's master and Vader killed Dooku to become Sidious' apprentice
Darth Vader goes on a hunting spree killing all the Jedi he can find. Obi Wan told this to Luke in episode 4.
Clone troopers, the highly skilled and reliable military arm of the Republic as shown in episode 2 degenerate into useless Storm troopers who can't even shoot straight in episode 4.
Trailers show Anakin in a duel with Obi Wan on a lava planet. He will lose and become so horribly disfigured, he needs to wear a protective suit.
Only Obi Wan and Yoda survived the Jedi massacre unless there are others who also went into hiding.
C-3PO and R2-D2 were given to Captain Antilles (3PO told Luke).
Amidala gives birth to the twins and dies shortly after. Obi Wan takes Luke to Tattooine to be raised by Luke's uncle Owen and aunt Beru while Leia is adopted by senator Bail Organa who took her home to his home planet Alderaan.

That would probably be the entire movie with little details to be filled in.
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On Saturday, May 21, 2005 6:53:00 AM, Blogger Suds said...

Dude, of course everyone knows what's going to happen, but's still awesome to watch.

Saw it last night, the movie ist gut!    

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