Sunny Side Up

Dude, seriously, geek.

iTMS downunder?

So today's supposed to be the day iTMS Australia finally opens according to Sydney Morning Herald, The Age, Russell Crowe, and The Courier Mail, but looking at the store's country selection this morning, I only see the 15 that's been there for the last few months, no Australia. There's still over 15 hours left in the day though so I guess we'll still have to wait.

Plenty of people here are eager to explore and buy songs off the Aussie iTMS and Apple could've sold more had they opened the store before so it wouldn't have been such a chore for those people who managed to find a backdoor to score some tracks of the store, like the Macworld Australia editor who setup an offshore forwarding address for an iTMS gift certificate he bought off eBay just so that he can buy songs off the US iTunes Music store. That's pretty hardcore.

Since Russell Crowe was the first to crowe (sorry ^_^) about Australian iTMS opening today on the talkback radio show with John Laws a couple of days ago, I blame him and his ignorance for any delays that may occur.

On a related note, Apple released updated PowerMac G5's last night and reduced pricing on Cinema Display 20" and 23". None of which have any bearing on me whatsoever, as if I'm gonna be able to afford them :P

I keep thinking today's Friday.
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