Sunny Side Up

Dude, seriously, geek.

Own an iPod? Go to jail

In Australia that is.
Section 132AL(2) of the bill provides that a person commits an "indictable offence" if they possess "a device, intending it to be used for making an infringing copy of a work or other subject-matter".

Forget iPods, cameras, and other electronic gadgets. You can create an infringing copy of a work using a damn pencil!

One time overzealous and paranoid Immigration Minister now overzealous
and paranoid Attorney General Phillip Ruddock wants to turn every person in Australia into criminals just because they hold a pencil and paper. His insanity level just reach a new height. Australians, politicians and all should be up in arms fighting this ridiculous bill because this means you can't be seen in public with a camera, a pencil, an iPod, a video camera, or even a mobile phone!

I wonder what's gonna happen to the media and creative industry if this bill ever gets passed by both houses of the parliament. You can't take photos, you can't film events, you can't record anything! They don't even have to prove you've actually copied something.

How's this for comparison:
I have a car. You can drive a car to rob a bank. Ergo, I'm a criminal for having a car even if I haven't robbed a bank.

As a matter of fact, how about retelling a joke you heard somewhere? Even bare naked, you already possess a device that may be used to copy other people's work. Your big mouth.

Ruddock's gonna have his cops arresting people for having a mouth, a throat, a voice box, and the ability to speak. Oh wait, to do that he's gonna have to communicate as well. Can't have that can we? Not according to the proposed law you can't!

Not only is John Howard an idiot, he hires idiots to work in key governmental positions.

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