Sunny Side Up

Dude, seriously, geek.

long time no blog

It's been more than a month since I last blogged. Several things have changed, some changed plenty. Let's just keep it in point form for brevity shall we?

* new job, still selling apples
* severed all ties with old place
* destroyed any possible reconciliation with old place
* promotion compared to last time
* meetings every week with potential buyers
* less pay (but less stress + more perks)
* Intel Macs all around
* MacBook repairs = O_o
* iPod repairs = o_O
* more freelance jobs
* more freelance income
* work sundays
* off mondays
* new phone (SE Z530)
* new room (it's big!)
* new bathroom (it's big!)
* sold iBook G4
* got 12" PowerBook G4 from work

Did I forget anything?
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On Thursday, August 31, 2006 5:15:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


On Tuesday, September 05, 2006 8:58:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey Oli! dvd rom gw udah dipesenin belum man? :)


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