Sunny Side Up

Dude, seriously, geek.

Long awaited update

It's been over two months since an update here. Some people probably thought I disappeared off the face of the planet. Nope. I'm still here.

One of the three main reasons is that I haven't bothered to install MacJournal on this PowerBook. Since MacJournal is my preferred blogging app, it pretty much stopped my blogging activities.

The second reason is it's been really difficult to load the New Post page on Blogger Dashboard. It would try to load and then stops at the very last possibly moment. Bummer.

Ario mentioned about Google Blogger widget but it's just a simple blogging tool, although it could come in handy. I prefer being able to log my entries in an app where I can read them offline.

The third reason? I've been too lazy. Internet at work was down for an entire month so we had to go to the nearby net cafe to do anything that has to be done online, like submitting service docs to Apple.

As for life, I'm blogging from PIM2 which to my surprise, still has FREE INTARWEBS!!! Yes, internet is still free for customers at PIM2 despite Teguh telling me that the management is planning to pull it.

What am I doing at PIM2? Apart from blogging and leeching free bandwidth, I'm overseeing the new store. We're opening a new outlet at PIM2 this coming Monday. Top floor, next to elevator near Restaurant Row. Ironically we won't be selling Macs, why? it's complicated. Instead we'll be selling Apple's gadgets. It's everything Apple but Macs. Kind of defeats the point of being an Apple reseller but I'm sure we'll be selling Macs soon enough.

Was talking to Teguh (who owns the Frankfurter franchise at Restaurant Row) yesterday about how our lives crisscross at almost every point. We went to the same school together from primary to junior high, went to the same college, and he was a tenant at my apartment in Melbourne for a year. His brother's best friend at school was my best friend's brother at school. Now, the two of us work in the same building. Not through choice mind you.

When the mall opened over a year ago there was this one spot that had the sign "Computer and IT Store coming soon" on a wooden board covering the site. I had always thought how cool it'd be if it turned out to be an Apple reseller store. An actual Apple store in an upper class mall. Definitely not a new concept since Apple themselves already had AppleStores in malls but there hadn't been any in Jakarta. Over time a number of resellers opened their sites in malls and that spot at PIM2 kept its sign.

A few weeks ago that board came down and was replaced by glass doors and windows. The other day, we loaded merchandise inside. Today, more merchandise and equipments. In the next two days, the store will be going through its final preps for its launch. Phones, fax, printer, scanner, etc. Over the weekend I'll be in Bandung for a Macintosh User Group (MUG) event so I won't be seeing the final run but on Wednesday, it's business day. It's an eerie feeling not just having my dream come true but being the person who'll be managing it.

Wednesday, 11:00a.m. Jakarta time.
Pondok Indah Mall 2, Level 3, unit 329B.
Bring your iPods, I'll see you there.

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