Sunny Side Up

Dude, seriously, geek.

Thoughts of the day

What do you do when inevitability stares at you in the face? Me, I sometimes stare back, sometimes I ignore it completely, and sometimes, I figure out ways to get around it although sometimes, it comes back and haunts me until I make my next decision.

That's another thing. Decisions. How do you know the one you chose will be the right one before the moment passes? You think and think and think and later, it either works out or it doesn't. You only find out afterwards, which bring me to another abstract; Uncertainty. Some hate it, some love it. I like to have everything planned out. Some would say I have high uncertainty avoidance, which would be true, I don't like it. I'm not keen on jumping in blind but then I'd rather not see a negative outcome either. Funny how it is isn't it? I suppose the moment of truth is when you realize what's coming at you. You've made your decision, you went ahead with it, and when the moment passes, bam! inevitability. Good or bad, it's going to happen.

People say hindsight is a wonderful thing, but I disagree, hindsight is not so wonderful. Sure, you can look back and see what you've done wrong so as not to repeat it but wouldn't it be even better if foresight was a natural virtue? That way you won't need to make mistakes. You may argue there's no fun in that but that would save so much in regrets, anguish, and in a lot of situations, money. After all, nobody makes the right decisions every time.


My first exam is tomorrow morning at 9:00 am on Queen's Birthday long weekend with public transport running on Saturday timetable, which means the trams and trains are on longer frequencies.

By the way, today's my birthday. Thanks to those who congratulated me and especially those who came by my place earlier. Love the cakes, the Star Wars tumblers, and the HHGTTG compilation book. Somehow I must've had an inkling because in the morning I had the song So Long and Thanks for All the Fish blaring from my iPod via the stereo on loop.

Sorry for the candles blowing out when you guys barely walked in. It was such a nice day, I had the balcony door opened to let the fresh air in. Apparently the wind thought it was a good idea to pay a visit ^_^;;;

I miss driving, it's been a year.
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On Sunday, June 12, 2005 7:50:00 PM, Blogger Suds said...

Happy Birthday dude.    

On Tuesday, June 14, 2005 12:42:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow. we've got a birthday guy.

happy birthday, jelek. :)


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