Sunny Side Up

Dude, seriously, geek.

A day in the life of an Apple store manager

No, not Apple Store manager, a manager of a store that sells Apple stuff. Anyway,

"Hi, how do I sync my iPod to iTunes?"
"Hello, I'm trying to get the songs in my iPod to iTunes. Yes, I'm on Windows."
"How do I get movies to convert to a format that iTunes recognizes? Umm… Windows."
"I wanna get my DVD's into iPod. How do I do that? I use Windows."
"I can't get my iPod nano to sync my contacts data properly. It only syncs partial data. Outlook 2003."
"I wanna watch movies on my iPod. It's the thin black one. Small screen."


Why can't these people use Macs??? I could've given them straight answers rather than stare blankly into nothingness.

Answers to those questions above (for Mac users):
1. Plug in iPod. Set to auto sync from iTunes Preferences
2. Use Senuti
3. Handbrake
4. Handbrake, get movies to iTunes, then sync with 5G iPod
5. iTunes does a good job of handling vcf data from Address Book.

As for the last question,
6. It's a nano. Nano stands for "Nah, no video". Get a 5G if you wanna watch videos on iPod.
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On Saturday, June 10, 2006 3:48:00 PM, Blogger Raw eggs said...

Dude...VCF? isn't that like for infertile women?


On Sunday, June 11, 2006 12:46:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hehehee, now u know what world we're living in :P    

On Sunday, June 11, 2006 4:55:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I somehow think I can still manage your Windows customers.

Unlike one of my famous please-avoid-this-guy customer who asked us at a for all age convention and next to a young family if we sell hentai related items and if some of our staffs like it because he can share his on the spot. >_<#

I'm glad I don't have to see him in the next few months! BWAHAHAHAHAHA!    

On Sunday, June 11, 2006 4:55:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

They're already comfortable inside their own little bubble.    

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