Sunny Side Up

Dude, seriously, geek.

Potter Potter Potter

Highlight below for HP & the HBP spoilers. Very long post, copy and paste if you prefer

Now that I have more time to reflect on the book, I'm starting to think Snape didn't really wanna kill Dumbledore. He was angry about having to do it and if he did wanted to kill Dumbledore, he could've done it when he was mending his hand. I'm beginning to think Dumbledore was kind of doing an Obi Wan. Y'know, the whole "If you striek me down..." business. So instead of Dumbledore pleading for his life, he was actually asking Snape to finish the job. He never said please don't kill me, he just said "Severus.. please", before he got Avada Kedavra'd.

Dumbledore had passed on everything he knew to Potter and he also went through all of his kept memories with him. Apart from wisdom and guidance, I don't think there was anything else Potter could get from Dumbledore. The whole set up from the beginning seemed like it was a big farewell episode because I don't remember him having a much greater role and presence in previous books.

In book 5, Sirius also made prominent appearances only to be killed at the end. Same with Cedric Diggory, he was given enough time in book 4 for people to sympathize with before he got zapped by Voldemort.

If anyone's thinking why Snape didn't kill Harry when he ran away with Malfoy, Snape said "Potter belongs to the dark lord - we are to leave him" after the other Death Eaters were about to fight him. I vaguely remember Dumbledore saying Snape is there to protect Potter despite the bad blood between he and his dad. In Harry's first Quidditch match in first year, the gang thought Snape was the one performing a curse on Harry's broom when later they found out he was actually trying to keep it steady, so I figured this time, he said it because he didn't want Harry to be in harm's way and he also could've easily disposed of Harry when Harry kept trying to shoot curses at Snape as they ran away from Hogwarts.

As for the other issues, Voldemort apparently split his soul into seven parts. Six were kept in objects known as horcruxes for safe keeping and immortality and one in his own body. Potter destroyed one, Tom Riddle's diary in Chamber of Secrets, and Dumbledore destroyed another, Marvolo Gaunt's (Voldemort's grandpa) ring in this latest book. Another one was apparently a locket, already stolen by someone with the initial R.A.B. who left a message in its place. A locket that may have been the same one as the heavy locket that no one could open in Sirius' house in the Order of the Phoenix (p. 108 Bloomsbury).

So who's R.A.B then? Given my theory above, I would suppose it may well be the one and only Regulus Black, Sirius Black's younger brother who quit being a Death Eater after having disagreed with their ways and killed by Voldemort's orders around the time Harry was born.

What's the A for? I'm guessing it's Alphard, named after an uncle of Regulus who was cast out of the Black family for helping Sirius after he was thrown out himself. It's not uncommon for the characters with middle names to have it taken from a previous generation. Harry James Potter and Thomas Marvolo Riddle for example.

There's also plenty of shocking pairings or couples in this book but I won't go in to that.

They said on the news that Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince is going to be the fastest selling book in history after managing sales of 13 book per second in England. I disagree. After reading this book, the seventh and final installment of the Harry Potter series will be. Why? Because people are more than eager to find out what the hell could be the reason why Snape killed Dumbledore, how Harry is going to cope with losing yet another protector, how the final battle between Harry and Tom will pan out (where's Dick btw? I can't find any characters named Richard. LOL), who is R.A.B really, what and where are the other horcruxes, will Ron and Hermione hit it off, and a whole heap of other unanswered questions.

Let me end this entry with this thought: Harry has been referred to in this book as The Chosen One by some of the characters and no one is really sure what that meant. Will he be the one who end Voldemort's reign of terror? Will he be the one who bring balance to the wizarding world, will he.... hehe... hahahahahahaaa!!
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On Monday, July 18, 2005 10:12:00 PM, Blogger Suds said...

I'll email you in case i ruin the book for anyone else =P    

On Saturday, July 23, 2005 11:56:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So was Dumb bell door written off the book because the actor who played him died or.....NYAHAHAHA    

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