Sunny Side Up

Dude, seriously, geek.

Who didn't see that coming?

Apple's getting too predictable now.

Podcasting seems to be the big buzzword lately so being the creator of the device that originated the term, Apple updates iTunes to 4.9 now with podcast support. Jobs made a mention two months ago that the next iTunes will support podcasting, so no surprises on that front there today. What's podcasting? It's pretty much radio shows except you can listen to the shows whenever you like, but you can't call in to air your opinion during the show(obviously). You can subscribe to a show's feed meaning iTunes can download the latest broadcasts as soon as they're available and it will transfer the file to your iPod the next time you sync it. Personally, I don't see what the big deal is.

The other update today is iPods. The regular sized iPods have now gone color including the U2 edition - There's still the U2 edition after all this time? I guess they're just running out the contract - and the prices remain, which means you now can get a color iPod. They dropped the 30GB and colorized the 20GB. So now each iPod model has 2 variations; iPod shuffle 512MB and 1GB, iPod mini 4GB and 6GB, and iPod 20GB & 60GB, with iPod U2 as the sole limited edition.

-- I meant to post this entry late morning today but one thing led to another, a lunch appointment got dragged out and extended to dinner, so I just got home 10 minutes ago.
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On Thursday, June 30, 2005 5:24:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You haven't update Mac Musing for ages, you know. =P

On Thursday, June 30, 2005 12:28:00 PM, Blogger Suds said...

I think the podcasting addition to iTunes is great (if you've been struggling with 3rd party stuff for a while) but I think they're going to have to increase the publicity to get it to really take off.

This is probably why Steve didn't want to go with sattelite radio for the iPods...why be tied to a radio schedule if you can listen whenever you want?    

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