Sunny Side Up

Dude, seriously, geek.

Some thoughts

I wonder if there's something wrong with my brother. The last couple of days he's been waking up early and by early I mean just after sunrise when he normally wakes up near midday (usually near means after), he's gone by 8 am for the whole day and returns around 5 pm. By 6 or 7 he'd be lying on the couch, eyes closed, head on a pillow and maybe grabs a blanket if it's a bit chilly, and off he goes to dreamland. He wakes up again after midnight to have dinner. By this time, I'd be already asleep. From what I can tell (he went looking for an app that will blast songs from iTunes as an alarm), he goes back to sleep and wakes up after 6 am. Repeat the next day.

Coincidentally, the last couple of days have been on the warmer side of things. Actually it's been uncomfortably hot around 30ÂșC+ so I tend to think the heat's gotten into him somehow and his sleeping pattern is like he was living in Los Angeles time zone. Or maybe he does?

edit: More importantly, he had spinach for really late dinner/very early breakfast this morning and he was helpful. *cue Twilight Zone music*
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On Thursday, February 24, 2005 6:36:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Must be the weather. Or else he copied the cat! XD;;

On Friday, February 25, 2005 4:03:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Err... didn't see the spinach thing before. It must be the heat then.

On Tuesday, March 01, 2005 7:01:00 PM, Blogger Suds said...

I think a demon has possessed your brother and is using him to bring about hell on earth.

You should exorcise the demon IMMEDIATELY before it's too late for all of us!    

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