Sunny Side Up

Dude, seriously, geek.

Hit the Beach

I went down to the beach a couple of days ago with my girl. The last time I went was years ago for the St. Kilda Beach Festival and what do you know, it's on this Sunday again! It's a massive beach party lasting the entire day from morning to midnight. Anyway, after last week's seemingly unending storm that destroyed several piers and shut down the city's rail networks, both tram and train for most of the morning, looks like the clean up is still underway there. There were plenty of massive piles of junk along the shore (didn't take pictures, sorry) looking like enormous mole hills ruining what is meant to be a vista of an endless strip of sand separating the coast from the great blue sea. On the beach and the roadside parks there were these earth movers, bulldozers, cranes, etc. no doubt part of the clean up crew working overtime to prepare the beach for this Sunday's big party.

While the entire beach looks like a construction site, people were still sunbathing and enjoying the sunny, chilly and windy summer day. Couldn't believe the wind down there, then again I haven't been to the beach in what was it, 4 years? We were walking down one of the concrete piers where a cafe used to stand at the end of it when the wind suddenly picked up and nearly blew the outer shirt off my back. My hat naturally went straight into the bag, no way I'm gonna lose another one. Since the cafe is gone, we just hung around at the pier enjoying the view and the wind (I'll take pictures next time). We spent a couple of hours there just walking up n down the beach. Maybe I'll try and take up skating again. Haven't skated in six years but the bike path there really tempts me.

I'll be down to the beach again this weekend for the festival (and for some pictures) so here's hoping the rain stays away.
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On Wednesday, February 09, 2005 7:05:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG! He's talking about his girl! This is a news! It's the end of the *strike*world*/strike* day! XD XP XDDDD

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