Sunny Side Up

Dude, seriously, geek.

I work, you work, they work

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I succumbed and bought iWork. Well, it's not for me, my bro wanted it and he lost his student card so we used mine. So for all intents and purposes, it's mine. I can't run it on my iBook though since it barely scrapes in the minimum requirement.

However it should go well with the PowerBook I have in mind for next June, it's definitely gonna be the 12" with SuperDrive even though I need more screen resolution than 1024x768. I tried the 15" PB at the AppleCenter today and having used small notebooks for the last 9 years, the speakers to the sides of the keyboard on the 15" really throws off my typing. I still prefer the keyboard on an iBook since they keys are recessed instead of bubbled up so it's a lot more comfortable. Besides, the 12" is cheaper than the 15".
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On Friday, February 04, 2005 8:48:00 AM, Blogger Suds said...

You do know that the Powerbooks have DVI out right? (even the 12") so you can hook up an external monitor...

If you need more screen space you can either hook up a digital LCD with a higher res, or just grab a crappy old 17" analog like mine and monitor span.    

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