Sunny Side Up

Dude, seriously, geek.

Eventful morning

Quarter past nine this morning, the fire alarm went off again. It hasn't gone off in a long time but it's got a pretty steady reputation of calling off false alarms. Sure, alarm goes off for a couple of minutes, dies out, nothing happens. That's normal, at least on this building. No smoke, nothing. This time though, alarm goes off, loud as always, dies out after couple of minutes, and a fire truck's siren sounded in the distance (The station isn't too far away). I thought, great, either it's real, or they're just here to check thing out. They never come over except for a couple of times years ago, it's like they know we're false alarm central, well, they probably do.

Anyway, fire truck's siren sounded closer and closer and a small one with a crew of maybe 3 showed up on my street, shut of the siren and parked right in front of the building facing completely the wrong way (like they care). They went into the building and that's about all I saw from up in my unit. Not too long after, another siren sounded and showed up. They parked for a couple of minutes and then left. To me that's sign for nothing's going on and the first crew are just doing maintenance or something.

As it was about to leave, a car was just about to park on the side of the road, blocking its way. I think either the driver was a bit surprised seeing a fire truck on his side mirror, or he just suck at parking. Took him a couple of tries to park flush with the curb, in fact, he parked so close, half his car was ON the curb and he didn't bother to correct it before he stepped out. The fire truck left, the other one stayed around for another 10 minutes before leaving. It was a non-event. Nothing happened and if I wasn't home from quarter past 9 to half past nine, I'd be none the wiser.
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On Monday, January 31, 2005 1:00:00 PM, Blogger Suds said...

Sounds like you almost WANTED a fire... :D    

On Monday, January 31, 2005 7:32:00 PM, Blogger Aulia said...

well, I'd rather not hear the alarm at all when there's no fire, it's sanitizing. the moment the alarm goes off for real, no one would care.    

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