Sunny Side Up

Dude, seriously, geek.

Nintendo Revolution Controller

I'm not gonna put up a pic, you have to see it for yourselves. Follow these links:

Engadget 1
Engadget 2

All I can say is" Double you tee eff to the power of ten.

update - Friday, 11:50 p.m
Having seen a clip of how the controller works, it looks like an exciting piece of technollogy. Certainly out of the box and revolutionary and one word to describe it is radical. Forget the fact that it can make the user look like an lunatic (swinging a remote control like a lighsaber, using it as if it was a fishing rod or even a meat cleaver in front of the TV), this thing has the potential to remove some conceptions about gaming in general.

What this controller will certainly do is shift gamers from sit-down twiddle-thumbs zombies to become a lot more physically active (unless you're already playing Dance Dance Revolution at home in which case you've got your own aerobic routine). The controller has an attachment port for the analog stick and I'm thinking this can be used for more traditional controllers if need be.

Nintendo isn't a company that will fold easily. A lot of people equate Nintendo with Apple and certainly not because of this new stylish and unconventional controller. Both companies used to rule their respective markets and since 1995 have been relegated to also-rans. Both have their loyal bands of supporters though as Apple manages to find ways to remain fresh and regain mindshare of consumers through various radical innovations and adoption of technologies, Nintendo hasn't, but this might just be their chance.

Both companies are very unlikely to enjoy market leading positions in their core products as they used to but their only concern is to remain profitable. Apple's market share may be miniscule but they're one of the few computer hardware companies that are actually making money instead of barely breaking even.

While Sony is making in-roads and eating up Nintendo's pies in home and portable console markets, all Nintendo wants to do is make great gaming consoles, not entertainment units, and that is where their strength lies. They know they can't beat Sony through conventional means, so they're attracting attention by being different. Sounds familiar doesn't it? As Sony and Microsoft go off making entertainment units, Nintendo churns out radical game systems that will keep people interested. They're coming up with new ways of making console games even more fun than ever and this focused approach will ensure Nintendo's survival just as we've seen with Apple.

The Revolution will be Nintendo's iMac.
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