Sunny Side Up

Dude, seriously, geek.

Off the tracks

A good day was had by all except those who lost their bets. Sav and I found a spot on the mound facing turns 11 and 12. There was a big screen in front of us too so it helped for moments when the cars weren't cruising in front of us, which is most of the time! The Albert Park race course is actually in the middle of an 18 hole golf course so there were viewing mounds all around the track. I feel sorry for the grounds keepers who'll have to relay the turf after today's race. The greens were off limits but several fairways and roughs must've been beyond recognition by now and this happens every year for the last 10 years.

There was a display of custom cars and jazzed up rides nearby and man, some of them looked awesome. Photos at flickr in a couple of days.

Not wanting to be hungry (plus we figured food at the Park would be expensive as the case in any major sporting event in Melbourne), we brought our own lunch. Ten rolls each of onigiri and inari and two large bottles of Lipton Ice Peach Tea. We came home with half. One bottle empty, one nearly full, 6 inari and 5 onigiri left but there's only one of each now, I just had the rest for dinner ... actually make that none left except for the tea ^_^;;

Took plenty of photos and video footage throughout the day but I just realized I don't have very much space left in any of my hard drives to edit video... maybe I'll hijack my brother's -insert sneaky smiley here-.

The bad thing about getting general admission tickets, seats are not guaranteed, so often we have to resort to having people standing up in font of us. Worst is when you're sitting down and everyone else is up. A parade of asses is what you get. Blah.

But anyway, there were plenty of track side distractions to keep everyone entertained when there's nothing going on on the track. They had a display of a Minardi, Ferrari and BMW F1 cars for people to take photos with, plenty of merchandise stalls, PS2 stations with F1 games loaded up, and other displays. There was also a beer garden for people who wanna get wasted.

The strangest thing though, there was this Army setup complete with army tents, boats, trucks, and a pickup truck with a mounted machine gun. Even stranger was there were two open-wheel racing cars right in front of the tents as if the army has a racing team. Maybe they do @_@
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